
CO2 laser cutters are very useful for cutting and engraving non-metallic materials. Mirrors are used to focus light and guide a laser beam into the material.


2D Fabrication


Front Room


  • Untreated woods (e.g. pine, spruce, balsa, basswood, plywood)
  • Approved polymers/plastics (e.g. acrylic, PETG)
  • Paper/cardboard (e.g. construction/printing paper, matboard/chipboard)
  • Approved fabrics (e.g. all-natural fabrics, 100% natural leather, polyesters)

For a full list, please see .

Model Specifics 

Blue - PLS6.150D

Red - ILS12.75

Standard Operating Procedure

Google Apps Sign-in Required

You must login to your uAlberta Google apps account to access these files.


To be trained on the CO2 Laser Cutter you can either take the fully in-person training session or the two-part hybrid training session.

Sign up for fully in-person training here: Training Registration Calendar

Begin hybrid training session here: Elko Engineering Garage eClass

After completing the online hybrid 1A session, you will gain access to a private training calendar through eClass to book an in-person hybrid 1B session.


Google Apps Sign-in Required

You must login to your uAlberta Google apps account to access these files.

Safety Data Sheets


Hazard Assessments

Application Resources

Manufacturer's Manuals