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CO2 laser cutters are very useful for cutting and engraving non-metallic materials. Mirrors are used to focus light and guide a laser beam into the material.


2D Fabrication


Front Room


  • Untreated woods (e.g. pine, spruce, balsa, basswood, plywood)
  • Approved polymers/plastics (e.g. acrylic, PETG)
  • Paper/cardboard (e.g. construction/printing paper, matboard/chipboard)
  • Approved fabrics (e.g. all-natural fabrics, 100% natural leather, polyesters)

For a full list, please see .

Model Specifics 

Blue - PLS6.150D

Red - ILS12.75

Standard Operating Procedure

You must login to your uAlberta Google apps account to access these files.


To be trained on the CO2 Laser Cutter you can either take the fully in-person training session or the two-part hybrid training session.

Sign up for fully in-person training here: Training Registration Calendar

Begin hybrid training session here: Elko Engineering Garage eClass

After completing the online hybrid 1A session, you will gain access to a private training calendar through eClass to book an in-person hybrid 1B session.

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You must login to your uAlberta Google apps account to access these files.

Safety Data Sheets


Hazard Assessments

Application Resources

Manufacturer's Manuals