The Elko Engineering Garage has pre-set tool libraries and machine configurations. These help to quickly and reliably generate CAM operations.

You must sign-in to your ualberta google apps account to download these files.

Tool Libraries

The Elko Engineering Garage tool libraries are linked to specific machines. The tool numbers in the tool library match the tool number on the machine. Fusion 360 and HSMWorks use the same tool library files.

How to import Tool Libraries to Fusion 360

*How to import Tool Libraries to HSMWorks

MachineTool Library File
Tormach PCNC 770
Tormach PCNC 1100N/A

Machine Libraries

Machine configurations allow CAM to recognize the limitations of the CNC mill that the CAM operations are prepared for. Examples of this include travel limits and spindle speed limits. Fusion 360 and HSMWorks use the same machine configuration files but have different installation instructions.

How to import Machine Configurations to Fusion 360

*How to import Machine Configurations to HSMWorks

MachineMachine Configuration
Tormach PCNC 770EngGar_TormachPCNC770
Tormach PCNC 1100EngGar_TormachPCNC1100