Edit page title to reflect the generic equipment name.

Add appropriate tags! All equipment pages must at least include the following tags: "equipment" ; "[equipment-category]" ; "[equipment-tag]" ; "[specific-model-tag]" (ie. "equipment" ; "3d-print" ; "desk-fdm" ; "dremel" ; "machina")

IMPORTANT: Generic equipment names, equipment categories, and respective tags/labels found in "Equipment Master List" Google Sheet (found in shared EngGar-Equipment Google Drive folder).


Fiber laser cutters are very useful for cutting and engraving flat sheet metals and metal tubing. Light from laser diodes is sent into a fiber-optic cable where a specific wavelength is generated and amplified, the resulting laser beam is guided into the material.


2D Fabrication


Front Room


FabLight FL4500



Input bullet list of allowed materials. 

Insert a photo(s) of the equipment.

Standard Operating Procedure

You must login to your uAlberta Google apps account to access these files.

Insert an Embed Google Drive File - Equipment SOP


Sign up for training here: Training Registration Calendar

Edit page properties report and change "With parent" filter to reference the correct parent page. Note, training child page will need the tag "training". 


You must login to your uAlberta Google apps account to access these files.

Safety Data Sheets

Insert link to relevant SDS sheet pages. SDS Repository found: https://confluence.garage.ualberta.ca/x/SADO 

Hazard Assessments

Insert Google Drive Live Link to equipment hazard assessment (PDF document format). Hazard assessments are found in the documents folder of the EngGar-Equipment Shared Google Drive.  

Application ResourcesInsert additional resources that are useful for various equipment applications, can include in-house workflow documents (application guides) or external resources (links, videos, etc.). For in-house documents, please insert a Google Drive Live Link to the PDF document. Please ensure external content is appropriate. For external video links (ie. YouTube), insert as Web Link with link text.

Manufacturer's Manuals 

Insert Google Drive Live Link to equipment manuals (PDF document format) provided by the manufacturer. Manuals are found in the documents>manuals folder of the EngGar-Equipment Shared Google Drive.  

Related Pages

"Content by Label" macro will list pages that use specific labels. Edit macro, delete the current label ("label-filler-template"), and add appropriate labels to reference other related pages (ie. in-box projects, indirect access page, etc.).

Include "[equipment-category]" ; "[equipment-tag]" ; "[specific-model-tag]" 

DO NOT include "equipment" label