Edit page title to reflect the generic equipment name.

Add appropriate tags! All equipment pages must at least include the following tags: "equipment" ; "[equipment-category]" ; "[equipment-tag]" ; "[specific-model-tag]" (ie. "equipment" ; "3d-print" ; "desk-fdm" ; "dremel" ; "machina")

IMPORTANT: Generic equipment names, equipment categories, and respective tags/labels found in "Equipment Master List" Google Sheet (found in shared EngGar-Equipment Google Drive folder).


A CNC router is a computer-controlled router tool that cuts, trims, and carves/etches a workpiece. This CNC Router can be used for 2.5 axis and 3 axis machining to make a variety of objects such as molds for the vacuum former, functional parts, and signs/plaques. 


  • Work Area: 24 in x 36 in (609 mm x 914 mm)
  • Gantry Clearance: 12 in (304 mm)
  • Spindle RPM: 6000 - 24000 RPM
  • Feed Rate: 100 IPM (max) ; 80-90 IPM (recommended)



Back Room


Laguna iQ Pro



  • Woods 
  • Plastics
  • Foams 

Insert a photo(s) of the equipment.

Standard Operating Procedure

You must login to your uAlberta Google apps account to access these files.


Sign up for training here: Training Registration Calendar

Edit page properties report and change "With parent" filter to reference the correct parent page. Note, training child page will need the tag "training". 


You must login to your uAlberta Google apps account to access these files.

Safety Data Sheets


Hazard Assessments

Application Resources

Manufacture's details and product videos 

Software to create 2.5D Toolpaths: VCarve Pro 

Laguna IQ CNC Facebook Group

Manufacturer's Manuals 

Related Pages